Metaphysical Blog Post #1

The World Around You Is Not What You Believe It Is

by Koda

Please take a few seconds to look around you now…

You see objects in space and believe that is the real world you are seeing.  You are about to discover that you have NEVER seen the world as it actually is.

The human visual system only perceives a narrow slice of the electromagnetic energy spectrum.  We call that narrow band visible light.

When you looked around a moment ago you did not see the real world around you as it actually is.  The real world contains all the information in the electromagnetic spectrum which our eyes don’t see.

For example, infrared light occurs at frequencies just below what our eyes can see.  We can sometimes perceive this energy with our skin as the sensation of heat.  Infrared cameras can convert these lower frequencies into higher frequencies our eyes can perceive, resulting in shapes that glow in different colors depending on the temperature of the radiation being emitted by objects.  If we could see infrared light everything around us might glow in different colors.

On the other side of the spectrum are X-rays.  If we could see X-rays we might have the ability to see through some apparently solid objects.

The world around most of us is absolutely swamped with radio waves.  They are generated by radio and TV stations, cell phones and cell phone towers, wireless internet devices, kitchen appliances, remote controls and more.  They also come from satellites, the Sun and other parts of the galaxy.  These waves are moving in many different directions, and if we could see them we might find ourselves surrounded by a multi-colored soup being partially blocked by objects which absorb some of their energy.

The Sun and deep space are also the source of cosmic rays, subatomic particles traveling near to the speed of light which smash into molecules in the atmosphere, resulting in cascades of other particles which rain down from the sky in straight lines which branch off as more molecules are shattered.

The sky is also filled with magnetic field lines emanating from the Earth’s core.  They are arranged traveling mostly north and south and decrease in strength the further from the surface one looks.  Particles from the Sun are captured by these magnetic fields and streak across the sky.  We do not see this motion unless the particles smash into air molecules near the poles and create the auroras, but the Earth is surrounded by these particles all the time.

We do not see the physical objects and energies around us as they actually are.  We see only a tiny portion of what is actually there.  Our eyes paint a pretty picture, but it is not the real world we see.  The same world appears very different to bats and dolphins using echolocation.  Dogs see the world mostly in grey, yellow and green, and they smell things and hear sounds that are imperceptible to us.  Flies and spiders have compound eyes that must present a very different picture from what we see.  Some sea creatures can recognize other animals buried in the sand from the electric fields surrounding their bodies. No doubt a blade of grass looks different an ant than it does to us. Different creatures live in what appear to be entirely different worlds, but it is the same reality.

It wasn’t that long ago that science had no clue the electromagnet spectrum even existed. What other fundamental features of physical reality are just as hidden from us now? It is possible that the 11 different dimensions proposed by string theory in quantum mechanics might actually be part of the world around us. Dark matter and dark energy could be filling the sky for all we know, and what undreamed of phenomena could be common knowledge a thousand years from now?

The real world, the true reality around us, is nothing like what we see with our eyes.  Even more astounding is that we don’t actually see what we are so certain we are actually seeing.

Please take a look around you one more time, and you will notice that you can see everything in your environment clearly in just a glance.  You are not seeing in tunnel vision or anything weird like that.  Please look around you now and confirm that you can see everything in normal focus…

Now look at any word near the top of this page, and without taking your eyes off that word, attempt to read the third to the last word at the bottom of the page.

You can’t.  If you did this demonstration correctly you will have discovered that the area of your clear perception at a comfortable reading distance in only about one-inch or 3cm across.  The area of clear perception across the average room is only about one-foot or 30cm across.

When you looked around you a moment ago and believed you could see everything around you clearly, you didn’t.  You only saw small pieces of your environment clearly while everything else was blurry and out of focus.

Even the part of the electromagnetic spectrum we see as being the real world is not actually what we see with our eyes.

The reason we don’t all walk around with tunnel vision is because our subconscious mind “manufactures the impression” of a clear image by quickly referring to objects and shapes we are already familiar with.  This process occurs automatically without our conscious awareness.

If we focus on what we actually see, instead of what we think we are supposed to see, in a particular way, it produces the phenomenon of visual telepathy and gives us a glimpse of “the reality behind reality.”  I describe how essentially any two people can experience visual telepathy in just minutes in my book, Rational Spirituality, and also in a booklet called Koda’s Psychic Party Games.  The technique is also presented in post #4 in this series, but before you look at that it will help your overall understanding of the true nature of reality to read each post in series.

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 Thanks for visiting… wishing you piles o’ smiles 🙂

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