Movie Suggestions 2

Recommendations by


(*) indicates Oscar for Best Picture. Director names are in (parentheses).

Blu-ray $9.96
Blu-ray $13.99
Blu-ray $13.99
Overpriced so no link

*One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest:  (1975)  Drama.  A prankster pretends to be crazy to avoid jail and ends up regretting that decision.  Jack Nicholson.  (Milos Forman)

Blu-ray $12.97
Blu-ray $12.97
3 films extended $50.54
Blu-ray $11.38
multi-format $7.99
Blu-ray $9.90
Blu-rau $8.59
Blu-ray $7.88
Blu-ray $11.84
Blu-ray $8.99
Multi-Format $10.99
Blu-ray $9.99
Blu-ray $10.03
Blu-ray $7.80
Blu-ray $8.19
Blu-ray $9.18
Blu-ray $6.11

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